A Favorite Post

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Beach Walk in Early Fall, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Long pants and a light jacket - it definitely isn't summer anymore.

I got a fancy cellphone  - a "smart" phone they call it - and the instructions said the built-in camera had the capability to make "front-facing selfies." I don't think it works correctly. I faced front in this pose and took some pictures but all it shows is my back! I don't think that's very smart.

As an "old" man, I have occasional thoughtful observations (not about selfies, though) - why do we as a society see fear and obstacles instead of wonder and possibility? Is that our true nature or the result of cultural conditioning?  I'm working on seeing the wonder - the magic of flight, for starters.

This big rock seemed like it needed some little rocks on top so I obliged.

A small boat is parked above the tide line ready to transport its owner out to sea. 

A tiny couple walking at low tide - Manomet Point is in the distance.

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