A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Horse Farm, Washington Depot, Connecticut, USA

All the beautiful rolling hills of this area make wonderful locations for keeping horses.  When I pulled off the road by this farm, this fellow perked up and started directly towards the fence line.

I think he was expecting a treat. Or a soft human touch on his muzzle. The mask on his face protects his eyes from the annoying flies buzzing around.

In the adjacent paddock, word spread fast (neighs spread fast?) that humans were at the fence so others wandered over perhaps hoping for a treat or at least a scratch.

 No treats were offered but, a nice rub on the muzzle seemed to be appreciated.

Conferring about their respective human interactions?

And as we left, this one stared longingly after our friendly touch and gentle voices. Who says animals don't have complex feelings?

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