A Favorite Post

Monday, September 28, 2015

Averill Farm Apple Orchard, Washington Depot, Connecticut, USA

The 250-acre Averill Farm in Washington Depot is a family farm that has been operated by the Averill family for nine generations since acquiring the land in 1746 from Chief Waramaug. I visited for some good old fashioned apple pickin'. The image above, for some strange reason, makes the apples look like they are defying gravity and floating upwards in mid-air - must have been one of those low-gravity days.

The reality is the opposite - the boughs are bending to touch the ground with their heavy loads of fresh ripe apples, still damp with morning dew.

Big clumps ready to be picked, weighed, sold, and eaten.

I don't know what variety these are - they look more like tomatoes than apples.

Here's the size comparison to a "regular" sized apple.

I didn't see any bird residents in this house.  Seems like a busy area to attract a bird family.

These two lovely young women apple pickers were happy to be out wandering the rows and enjoying a beautiful fall day in New England.

Time to head home and make apple pies! Can anything in life be more wholesome than picking and eating apples on a beautiful fall day?

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