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Sunday, September 6, 2015

A Long Weekend in Vermont: The Round Barn - Part 7 - Waitsfield, Vermont, USA

We stopped at the Inn at Round Barn Farm, a bed and breakfast and event facility on 245 acres of pure Vermont. I'm not sure if this old VW Bug was a prop or a customer's car but, it sure brought back memories - it looks like about a 1966 or 1967 vintage - just like one I had back in the day - ah, my youth, where have you gone?

Art imitates life - the round mailbox (foreground at right) mimics the round barn (distance at left).

Inside, the round barn is outfitted for a special event tonight.  The soaring wood ceiling and beams reminded me of the venerable Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) near my home in Massachusetts about which I have often blogged in this space. You can see more about PBT at this link.

Downstairs in the round barn they had a local photography art show in progress.

And outside, the Inn's property offers plenty of space to wander - except there seemed to be photographers everywhere I turned.

The lily pads in the pond were in bloom.

And Oscar and Meyer's shed had weathered to a wonderful shade of New England gray.


  1. Replies
    1. Me too - I remember setting the gap of the ignition points using a screwdriver and the folded thickness of cellophane in the absence of a proper thickness gauge.
