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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Long Weekend in Vermont: Moss Glen Falls - Part 2 - Granville, Vermont, USA

This beautiful waterfall is just off the main highway near Granville and is part of the Granville Reservation, an 1100 acre forest reservation. (By the way, there is another waterfall with the same name in Stowe about an hour distant).

Thirty seconds after this image was made, I was lying on my back in the stream - glad the other seven photographers were looking the other way - my limbs akimbo and my body lying in the water would have made a great image - I guess my rubber-gripper-soled shoes aren't as slip-proof on wet, mossy rocks as I expected - duh.  It made me feel like I was three years old again as I spent the next four hours wandering around in wet pants. At least it was only mountain stream water.  More in my next post.............

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