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Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Long Weekend in Vermont: Bingham Falls - Part 10 - Stowe, Vermont, USA

Bingham Falls is part of Mount Mansfield State Forest located outside the town of Stowe. A short walk down a rocky trail leads to this small cascade and shallow pool.

Peaceful and calm - suitable for all ages.......

......but no jumping nor diving - that's farther down the trail.

Farther down the trail, there is more of a party atmosphere as many people lounge about watching the brave (or fool-hardy) jump from the perimeter rock walls into the water.

The rocks that surround the deep pool afford numerous spots from which to jump into the water. This GIF shows the last part of one diver's back flip jump!

These next five images are the component images from the GIF above.

One of the higher jumping off points.

One in mid-jump, the other waiting his turn.

And yes, there were adults with some of the kids including one father who was a jumper also.

Even one member of our group joined the youngsters in hurling himself from the rocks into the water.  Pretty impressive for someone "of a certain age."

After the jump, chillin' at the base of the falls.

I think I'll stick to experiencing the jump through a camera lens.


  1. Great series. That really high jump position has to be ~ 40 feet with a 10 foot clearance. I don't know how they did it.

    1. Maybe more than 40 feet. I think the falls itself was supposedly 30 feet.

  2. Thank you for helping me to enjoy the weekend, even long after it's over! Great weekend series, and I'm with you on experiencing the falls through the lens of my camera too!
