A Favorite Post

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Vegan Food, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Here's another post in my occasional series about "what do vegans eat?" The answer is: almost anything and everything that doesn't involve animals and animal products. And no, I didn't eat the flowers.

The particular salad contains: lettuce, spinach, tomatoes marinated with garlic and onions, roasted peppers, marinated artichokes, pine nuts, cashews, avocados, cheese-like shreds (made from plants rather than milk), olive oil, and balsamic vinegar.

And of course, no animals were harmed in the making of this meal!

Note: images made with cellphone.


  1. Yum! I am a vegan wannabe, practicing vegetarian for nearly 3 months. It's a process, right? Having a hard time giving up half and half in my coffee and butter on my popcorn.
    Retired, as well, and enjoying your blog.

    1. It takes time to break life-long habits of eating. We use and enjoy a butter substitute called Earth Balance for our butter-like needs. Most places sell it nowadays. Don't know about half and half......maybe almond milk?

    2. Thank you, Joe, for the suggestions. Haven't worked up my nerve to put almond milk in my coffee, although I do use it in cooking. One step at a time, I guess.
