A Favorite Post

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Priscilla Beach Theatre Grand Reopening, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Priscilla Beach Theatre (PBT) Owner and Guardian Bob Malone, arms upraised in celebration, is surrounded by family, friends, and contractors as the ribbon-cutting ceremony begins marking the reopening of the PBT Barn Stage.

Following the ceremony, on this spectacularly beautiful New England summer evening, July 10, 2015, the PBT Barn Stage echoed once again with sounds of live theatre  as the stage classic, "Fiddler on the Roof" premiered. 

Bob offers his thanks to the many people who, over the past year, have worked hard to return this icon of American theatre to its glory days as a performance venue for theatre lovers of all ages.

Flanking Bob, at right, Ron Fassler, a PBT alumnus from the mid-1970's who was chosen to direct this run of "Fiddler." And at left, Paul Kelleher, of Kelleher Fine Builders, the general contractor who built the restored theatre.

John Reardon, President of the Priscilla Beach Association presents an award plaque to Bob.

State Senator Vinny deMacedo presents a congratulatory Official Citation to Bob on behalf of the State of Massachusetts.

Owners and Guardians Bob and Sandy Malone along with family members Ryan, Shannon, Kelsey, and Allison, proudly cut the ceremonial ribbon as hundreds of patrons and supporters cheered. 

Moments later, the sold-out crowd filled the theatre and the red velvet curtain rose for the first time in many years to welcome an outstanding cast of national and local performers in the classic theatre favorite, "Fiddler on the Roof."

While many have contributed to the project, it is the vision, passion, dedication, and focus of Bob and Sandy Malone that brought this icon of American theatre back from the brink of extinction.  Many naysayers said it couldn't be done - the building was too far gone to restore - tear it down and rebuild was the common opinion.  But Bob and Sandy held a steady course, followed the impossible dream and today, the fruit of their effort is in full bloom.

Congratulations to the entire Malone family!  May the Priscilla Beach Theatre campus, of which the Barn Stage is one of three performance venues, enjoy many years of future success in helping shape the aspirations and talents of new generations of performers.

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