A Favorite Post

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Walk to the Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

One of my everyday goals is walking 10,000 steps.  Depending on whether I dawdle or not along the way, it generally takes up to two hours a day. Setting aside that time is a priority but it requires focus and discipline to achieve - especially when it's cold, windy, and/or rainy - and since I try to time it in sync with low tide.

I will often follow the same or a similar path - doing so reveals familiar subjects of interest at different times and in different light.

I notice different attributes by the repetition - like the dappled sunlight on the roadway. Once the leaves fill in, the dappling is mostly gone.

Flowers come and go, the wind blows and calms, and the tides rise and fall following the rhythm of the earth.

New stairways are built, likely to be rebuilt next year after suffering damaging winter storms.

Youth looks forward to a lazy summer of beach picnics, volleyball, kayaking, and romance.

Fishing in a wetsuit is a good idea when the water temperature is still in the low 50's Fahrenheit.

Low tide on the arc of the bay.

This panorama distorts and compresses the size and shape of the bay but I like it anyway.

Watching the New England spring unfold is an end by itself.

Note: all images made with my cellphone.

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