A Favorite Post

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

At the Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The air today is Atlantic fresh - nothing between me and Europe except thousands of miles of Atlantic Ocean. The tide is out, the air is warm, life is good.

I heard a song on the radio that evoked a strong memory and sense of place and time. It is remarkable the power of music to evoke a distant memory. In an instant, my mind transports me back 20+ years to driving through the early morning California coastal fog at 430 in the morning on the way to work. (Panorama - click on image to view full width).

The southeast Massachusetts coast is a rugged but civilized oceanfront.  Timeless, too.The tidal flats are nature's canvas, the daily tide cycles erasing all that happens below the high-water mark, a perfectly timed mechanism for daily re-creation.  Nature's do-over. I like that.

The beach is a special place. I enjoy seeing it every single time - young people, old people, and everyone in between - hanging out, laughing, partying, telling stories, enjoying nature and the beauty of the world.

(Note: all images made with cellphone).

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