A Favorite Post

Friday, May 1, 2015

Villa Reale, Marlia, Capannori, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Villa Reale, located in the countryside a few miles north of Lucca, was at one time owned by the sister of Napoleon who was also the Princess of Lucca. The current owners open the property and gardens to the public for tours.  The house itself is not open to the public. It's a pleasant place to wander for a few hours on a perfect spring day.

The huge house is the tiny building way off in the distance.  This is the "front yard."  Imagine mowing that every week in the summer.

With much of the property in gardens and other natural habitat, this Eurasian Kestrel was perched in a tree scouting for lunch.

One of the outbuildings on the property.

Although in disrepair, the former Bishop's Villa hints at its past grandeur.

Some of the garden statuary is compelling - like this one..........

......and this one..........

...but not so much for this one.

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