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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Rome and Home, Lazio, Italy

Finally, 73 days after arriving in Paris, our trip is about to end with a flight home to Boston from Rome. Completing the three and half hour drive south of Lucca, we arrived at our destination near the Rome Airport. After settling into our hotel for our last night, we decided to ride the hotel's 30-minute shuttle into downtown Rome to wander a bit and have our last dinner. The shuttle bus drops everyone in front of Corte Suprema di Cassazione so we strolled from there across the Tiber River to Piazza Navona.  It was abuzz with people in the waning daylight. 

Musicians, artisans, performers, tourists, locals - full of life and energy here in the public square.

Gulls on statues watching for food to fall on the ground.

People dining or drinking or walking or just hanging out at sidewalk cafes.

Amy sporting a white rose with our last dinner - and wearing one of her many new scarves.

Light fades as we stroll back to the pick-up point for the ride back to the hotel and our final night in country.

A fitting ending to a wonderful trip, our last evening in Rome fades to darkness over the Tiber River as the lights of St. Peter's Basilica glow brightly in Vatican City. (I added some special effects in post-processing to hide the fact that it was a grainy, blurry, badly exposed, hand-held smartphone image - it turned out well if I do so so myself - very artsy). 

It's been a wonderful trip - I hope you have enjoyed following along as much as I have enjoyed sharing it. Arrivederci!!

Note: all images made with my cellphone.

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