A Favorite Post

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Piazza dei Miracoli "Square (or Field) of Miracles," Piazza del Duomo "Cathedral Square," Pisa, Tuscany, Italy

We made another visit to Pisa, this time with Amy's photo group and, yes, the tower is still leaning.

And yes, tourists are still desperately trying to hold it up or push it back to vertical.

Most use just their hands.......

....while others resort to a foot or two.

And speaking of feet, it is still roughly 300 well-worn steps to the top. The marble shows the impact of footsteps over the past 900 years of folks plodding to the top - I like that my footsteps contribute infinitesimally to the patina and wear.

A just reward is at the top - a great view. The seven bells still surround the top level, each one cast at a different time beginning back in the 1200's.

The safety barricades were designed to provide a maximum amount of view for a minimum amount of bulk and restriction.

And oh, what a view!

The Cathedral (Duomo) in the foreground, the Baptistery in the background at left.

The "Field of Miracles" is much more than just the tower. Although the tower gets most of the fame and attention, this complex contains a range of spectacular other features including a Cathedral, Baptistery, Camposanto (cemetary), and Ospedale (hospital).

Inside the Cathedral is stunning.

One of the many statues.

A school group enjoys a history and culture lesson.

Regardless of how you spend your visit, most folks are just genuinely happy to be here and see and experience one of the world's most recognizable icons.  There is a reason that thousands every day visit this site - it is simply an extraordinary and beautiful place on the planet and it feels good to stand here and enjoy the art and majesty.

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