A Favorite Post

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Goodbye Lucca, Tuscany, Italy

Outside the wall of Lucca on the north side of town, some forward thinking planners decided to plant these visually captivating plane trees along the perimeter road. 

In Piazza San Michele, this mime charioteer stands beside a cello quartet playing for the crowd of passersby. 

The blue hour in Piazza Anfiteatro. 

I stopped by the Piazza on this morning and there was a crowd around this planter.  It seems a swarm of bees had taken up residence overnight and the two yellow-clad bee keepers were called in to transplant them into the hive box on the ground in front of the planter.  The hive is the dark clump under the man's yellow arm. Never a dull moment in Lucca!

And there is never a dull moment musically - whether it's the nightly Puccini concerts........or the full classical festival..........

 ....or the summer music festival.......

...or the film festival, Lucca is always doing something artistic and/or musical.

And if you don't like the arts, you can exercise by walking the streets ......or along the wall by .....

....renting a bicycle from any of the half dozen shops around town.

Luccca is definitely among my favorite towns in the world. Always interesting, stimulating, visually exciting, alive with people seeing and being seen, dogs and bikes and babies - full of life.  No loud music nor thumping bass, no nightclubs. Mostly, the sounds of Lucca are the sounds of a vibrant community living lives in a beautiful place much as they have for centuries. Arrivederci! Tomorrow, we drive south to Rome and a nine-hour airplane ride back to Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Note: all images made with my cellphone.

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