A Favorite Post

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Quiet Walk, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Spring is starting to show its green as the trees, some more slowly than others, begin to unfurl their new leaves.

It's a foggy morning at the beach. I am struck by how quiet the world is today - the density and intensity of life here in Manomet is remarkable in its slow pace.  There is something primal about the beach - sand, sun, water, wind, sky - it is oddly calming - humans the world over seem drawn to it.

Yes, this is Massachusetts - not Maine nor Oregon although the fog hints of both places.

Farther inland, some trees are budding out quickly.

 A neighbor's new stone wall and steps slowly take shape.

The magnolia blizzard is underway. Ah yes, having spring again is a treat.

Note: all images made with my cellphone.

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