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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Vernazza, Cinque Terre, Liguria, Italy

Traveling via train north from La Spezia, the fourth of the Cinque Terre towns is Vernazza. It has a protected harbor and a pleasant promenade along the waterfront. Lower left you may note a train just arriving at the station.

Fishing boats at anchor after their day's work.

Along the harbor front.

An outdoor cafe - location, location, location.

Laundry hanging outside to dry is common everywhere in this part of Italy - partly because of very expensive electricity costs, partly because fresh-air dried clothing smells and feels wonderful, and partly because that's the way it's been done for centuries.

It is possible to visit the Cinque Terre towns by boat as the arrival of this passenger ferry demonstrates.

A common activity is just sitting and watching the world go by..........

......or lying down on the quay wall........

....or, for the young and beautiful, lying on a warm sunny rock beside the harbor.  Ah, youth.........

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