A Favorite Post

Monday, April 20, 2015

San Gimignano, Tuscany, Italy

The medieval hilltop town of San Gimignano still has more than a dozen towers standing. In it's storied past, there were more than 70 towers during the heyday of this two-thousand plus year old town. In the modern era, the town is a very popular tourist destination. 

On the day of my visit, there were buses full of both school-age folks and of seniors roaming the streets enjoying the summer-like warmth. In that warm weather, what could be better than...........

... a cone or dish of gelato! This shop claims to be the Gelato World Champion.

While a few doors away, this shop claims to have the best gelato in the world.

These are probably the best people to judge the winner.

A random group portrait of tourists.

A countryside view from town.

Playing in one of the piazzas. (All color removed in post-processing except the red sweater).

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