A Favorite Post

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Gordes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

You may think this is just another repetitive blog post about how beautiful and majestic is the village of Gordes. You would be mistaken.

Panorama - click on image to view full width.

Below the town is the studio of a man who specializes in "L'Art Posterieur." When we left town after taking the preceding images from the high overlook, I encountered one of those slam-on-the-brakes views of an art sculpture.  We stopped and visited and chatted with the very personable artist, Arson, who took us into his studio and showed us his works.  (www.arson-sculptures.com)

The red arrow points to his studio below the hilltown.

Yep, this is the view that brought me to a screeching halt as I drove by. It's not something one sees everyday.

The artist was adding some sealer to keep the work weatherproof.

Vive la France! 

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