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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Gordes, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

This viewpoint of the village of Gordes on the north side of the Luberon valley must be one of the most beautiful spots on the planet.  I thought yesterday's view from Ménerbes was spectacular but this is even more so. The storm clouds with a slice of sunshine lighting the town sure helped the drama. But as usual, a photo does not do it justice.

Panorama - click on image to view in full width.

Stone walls/fences hide prying eyes -"sauf riverains" means no entry except residents.

I like how the stone just sort of blends into the doorway frame structure.

A typical steep cobblestone lane in town. I bet the people in this town have strong leg muscles from a lifetime up walking up and down these streets.

A southward looking view from the town, the Luberon mountains on the horizon.

Spring appearing on the cherry trees nicely frames a local farm.

The calendar still shows it is winter on my visiting day but, it looks more like spring to me.

Cactus and palms are reminders that this climate is more like my former home in California than my current one in Massachusetts. 

A local walking home. The only thing missing is he's not carrying a fresh baguette from the local boulangerie.

Door number one or number two? This is actually a street/pathway in town.

Lunch today was at the restaurant L'Encas where we each enjoyed one of the best vegan meals of the entire trip - Salade Luberon - many grilled veggies over a bed of lettuce. Bon appétit! And a touch of "Vin du Moment" to wash it all down. A bit of wine at lunch - these French people are on to something good........and I was pretty much a teetotaler before this trip.

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