A Favorite Post

Monday, March 30, 2015

Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is the town at the source of the Sorgue River, located only 6km/3.6 mi from L'isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Its freshwater spring is one of the most prolific in all of France. The river flows fast, cold, and clear.

The town is ringed by tall cliffs hundreds of feet high but on this gray, rainy day, only low clouds were visible.

There was a local kayak slalom competition going on at the time of our visit.

They were wet anyway and didn't care about the rain.

Going over the falls after the third gate on the course.

Yes, I know it's  a blurry point-and-shoot image but, you get the idea. If you want to see more artistic and sharper photos, check out Amy's blog at this link, she uses a "real" camera and knows how to use it well.

Cold and wet -  two of my least favorite conditions.

This town deserves another visit when it isn't pouring rain. And remember, when you travel, always carry a bright colorful umbrella like this one - random photographers (like me) will appreciate your choice.

(Note: this is one of two posts I published today - keep on scrolling down).

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