A Favorite Post

Friday, February 27, 2015

The Seine River, Paris, Île-de-France, France

The Seine River flows west to east through the center of Paris.  In fact, Notre-Dame is on an island in the middle of the river. The bridges offer good viewing of nearby buildings and, of course, people watching.

Some folks are content to walk across the river......

....and some feed the pigeons and gulls from a bridge. (Yes, I know it's hard to see both the man and the birds but, I like the sense of place anyway).

Bridges are a short walk apart (this is a panorama so the distance appears compressed a bit - click the image to view full width)........

...and each bridge provides wide, comfortable sidewalks.

Some folks choose to ride bikes, although frankly, for me, the world already passes by too quickly on foot. I think I'll stick to just my feet.

Lunch in the warm sun would be more my style - like this young couple sitting here on the river bank, in this case, the Right Bank (in French: La Rive Droite).

Warm winter sun always bring out the best .... for making music, laughing, and enjoying life in Paris, the most popular tourist destination in the world. It bustles with life, even in the off-season. Come to think of it, I'm not sure there is an off season - it's either busy or busier.

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