A Favorite Post

Monday, February 16, 2015

Pure as the Driven Snow, Old Sandwich Road, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Old Sandwich Road has long been a favorite of mine in southeastern Massachusetts - whatever the season. After the snowplows cleared the mostly unpaved road, I wandered along to see what I could see. These first four images are in full color, straight out of camera, with no other post-processing.

Definitely a winter wonderland. Snow is nature's original version of time-release rain - it melts slowly and seeps into the ground like a time-release aspirin into the bloodstream.  

These final three images I manipulated by eliminating all color and increasing the contrast and brightness until the image screamed, "enough already."

As a cousin has astutely observed, "after the first day I am generally 'over' the beauty and ready for it to be gone."  I have to agree - but it sure is spectacular when freshly fallen.

Hmmmn, cold, white snow or warm, white sand? - not much of a contest.

Old Sandwich Road - pretty in any season. (Panorama - click on image to view full width.)

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