A Favorite Post

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

My Red Coat, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I have a red winter coat that I bought 18 years ago when we first moved to Massachusetts (along with the big boots).  It is referred to as "big red" and I wear it mostly during storms and while shoveling snow.  So I had an idea that a picture of me and it against the snowy background would be cool. Since I was outside in the falling, blowing wet snow, I had an umbrella to protect my camera - not because I'm a wimp - really.

Not being able to be the subject and take the picture simultaneously, Amy helped me make it a collaborative effort.  I staged and set-up how I wanted the image to look, and Amy framed it, made the final adjustments, and took it with her iPhone.

I wanted two versions, one with the umbrella above the snow-covered pond surface, and one with the umbrella against the surface.  Considering they came from relatively small iPhone image files in fading light, they turned out surprisingly sharp. 

I am pleased with the finished product although I am partial to the first image. I especially like the somewhat translucent panel on the umbrella through which the vague outline of the top part of my body is visible. The foreground presence of the bulrushes also gives the first image better balance and depth. Big red is the star of the show in either case.........

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