A Favorite Post

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Icicles, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Viewed just before sunrise, this icicle reflects and refracts its surroundings into interesting distorted images.

This one looks pretty cool also and, no - that is not my nose it's reflecting. 

When the sun rises, it refracts into dozens of mini-suns in this group of icicles.

Ever notice how icicles look like translucent carrots?

Why did this curve as it was freezing?  Is there a condition of almost-frozen when the wind can bend an imminent freeze? I am amazed.

All these carrots make me hungry for a bowl of soup on this cold winter day.

Yep, a bowl of soup would be nice right about now - except I don't usually eat soup at sunrise.

Later on, at midday, it's still only about 15 degrees so no melting has occurred.  Sure would like that bowl of soup now...................


  1. Great images. Better than mine. Is it good that we have so many to choose from?

  2. Joe, great retirement area. I have a lot of fond memories of summers there in the 50's & 60's and to come across your Blog only has enhanced them for me.
    How about Fresh Pond, the Old Indian Burial Grounds, Manomet Bluffs and many more.
    Thanks for the many great pics. You do have a knack with digital format.
    Enjoy your retirement. Glen

    1. Glen, thanks for your comment. There are a number of former Manometians around the world who read it from time to time. My son learned to swim at Fresh Pond about 15 summers ago.....
