A Favorite Post

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Greatest Hits of 2014 - Cranberries and Clouds

About this image:

This image was intended to portray the annual cranberry harvest season.  Rather than the classic view of the floating berries encircled with a boom, I chose to capture both the typical seasonal clouds racing by and a flooded bog of randomly floating cranberries.


About this series:

Last year, I created about 20,000 images with my point-and-shoot camera.  Of those, I published about 2,000 in 329 separate blog posts. I sat down recently and wandered through those 2,000 images and decided to select around 20 of them to re-publish as my "Greatest Hits of 2014," along with a comment about it.

First, a comment about digital photography. Comparing digital to film, if I use a purchase price of $7 per roll (for a 36-exposure roll of color film) and add another $13 per roll to process as a benchmark, those 20,000 images would have used about 555 rolls at a total cost of more than $11,000! which would have been unaffordable.

Since I didn't use film, my only cost was the memory card and batteries in the camera. Essentially zero cost per image. No wonder digital camera photography has taken the world by storm.

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