A Favorite Post

Monday, January 26, 2015

Greatest Hits of 2014 - Beach

About this image:

This particular image is about capturing the perfect idea of a classic Caribbean beach vacation.  An uncrowded sparkling white sand beach covered with blue skies, aqua water that progresses through the range of blues stretching past the reef, a sailboat on the horizon, shady palapas and towering palms for hanging out - it's a place that anyone could enjoy.  The light covers the full range with appropriate detail in the shadows and the highlights not blown out. The location is Puerto Aventuras, Solidaridad, Quintana Roo, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.


About this series:

Last year, I created about 20,000 images with my point-and-shoot camera.  Of those, I published about 2,000 in 329 separate blog posts. I sat down recently and wandered through those 2,000 images and decided to select around 20 of them to re-publish as my "Greatest Hits of 2014," along with a comment about why I think each one is among my best.

First, a comment about digital photography. Comparing digital to film, if I use a purchase price of $7 per roll (for a 36-exposure roll of color film) and add another $13 per roll to process as a benchmark, those 20,000 images would have used about 555 rolls at a total cost of more than $11,000! which would have been unaffordable.

Since I didn't use film, my only cost was the memory card and batteries in the camera. Essentially zero cost per image. No wonder digital camera photography has taken the world by storm.

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