A Favorite Post

Monday, December 1, 2014

Signs of Fall, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The Simes House in Manomet bedecked in seasonal decoration.

Nearby, this small house stands sentinel on a slight hill.

Elsewhere, the annual rite is underway - the raking of the leaves. 

A shadow of the leaf raker pauses in a spotlight of late afternoon sunshine.

Low tide at Stage Point in the golden fading daylight.

Since pitch pine and scrub oak is the typical forest community in southeast Massachusetts, the pines keep the forest looking green through the entire winter.

Late afternoon, long shadows along the graceful curve of White Horse Beach.

White Horse Beach in the foreground with Priscilla Beach in the mid-distance - great visibility on this day - the small tower on the distant hill at right is the Myles Standish State Park monument in Duxbury.

(Panorama - click on image to view in full width).

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