A Favorite Post

Monday, December 22, 2014

Out and About, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This bird lives around here. I have been trying to get a good picture of him for a while. Finally, I just gave up and took this one through the window.  Even though he has a red head, he is officially named a red-bellied woodpecker. That bothers me. I want him to be called a red-headed woodpecker because that's how I see him and think of him but, that name is already being used by another bird with a completely red head.  I will never be successful as a birder.

Soon, this small pond will be frozen solid and a site where  neighborhood kids enjoy ice skating and hockey.

I like woodpiles that just get old and weathered - kind of like me - although I think I'd rather be seasoned instead of old and weathered, yeah, that's it.

In the slanting rays of a late afternoon sun on this beach path, the remaining green grass is a reminder that spring will come again - in fact, starting today the days are getting longer again -- summer is on the way!

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