A Favorite Post

Sunday, December 14, 2014

On the Bluff, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Walking along the bluff in Manomet is always a visual treat - on this day, blue sky, puffy clouds, a horizon that stretches forever, boats resting for the winter - makes me glad to be a walkin' man.

This view of Stage Point at low tide on a calm day helps to illustrate the difference.......

....that is obvious at a higher tide when the wind is howling out of the East creating an endless series of rollers crashing into the sand. It was the strength of wind where you can lean forward toward the water and be held up by the force. High and low tides here vary typically by about ten feet. Seems a lot to me but, not so much compared to Canada's Bay of Fundy about 400 miles north. They experience a tidal variation of about 50 feet! 

A quiet side yard.

A beautiful house down a sand/gravel lane. And no, I did not Photoshop the bird into the picture but, I did Photoshop out three electrical power lines. I always hate to see power lines cutting through beautiful vistas - on the other hand, I always hate to be without electricity - yep, a bit of hypocrisy in action.

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