A Favorite Post

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Fog on the Bluff, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The bad news is that we've had a stretch of gray, rainy, drizzly, foggy, sunless days. The good news is that it makes for some interesting, moody, black and white images. I especially like this image although, I keep wanting to see Gollum-like monsters swinging and cavorting in the trees.

Steps to the beach.............


  1. Some thoughts...

    Have you ever walked the part of Old Sandwich Road that is still unpaved? It was originally a native american path and has a ton of history attached to it. If you are interested in "destination walking" it would be interesting to follow your footsteps and commentary on this blog.

    You probably know that the original plantation was on what is now Burial Hill, and the Wampanoag village somewhat southeast of that. The guide I shadowed at Plimoth Plantation also volunteers at the Jenney Grist Mill and she said that on the first harvest celebration (aka Thanksgiving or Day of Mourning by some) the natives would have walked right by that site on their way to share their plenty.

    This may not be your cup of tea, just thought I'd share:-)

    1. Priscilla, thanks for your comment. Well, I've walked part of it...........and it's a great idea.
