A Favorite Post

Sunday, December 7, 2014

A Visit intoTown, Downtown, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Faneuil Hall, a marketplace and meeting hall since 1742, is dwarfed and framed by the adjacent modern glass and steel structures of today's downtown Boston.

Aside from the expense of going downtown, choosing whether to drive in and pay big bucks to park, or, park less expensively at an outer lot and ride the subway in, I always enjoy the vibrancy and grit and sophistication and history that permeates Boston's many neighborhoods/communities. This particular wander is around the Faneuil Hall Marketplace and nearby on a cold overcast December weekday. Not many people out and about.

The red bricks of the Freedom Trail glisten in the light rain.

I did see a few kids and moms out and about enjoying the day.

This is a full color image - it was a very drab day.


And speaking of dwarfed by modern skyscrapers, the Old State House sits proudly, echoing its past as the center of Boston society in the 18th century. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed from the balcony for the first time for the citizens of Boston.  A reenactment occurs each year on July 4th. I enjoy hearing the words - sparks of the revolution. 

The eating area in the Quincy Market building is strangely quiet with so few tourists in town.

I don't know who that bear is but, he earned a selfie with this visitor.

The bigger than life statue of former Mayor Kevin White is located outside Faneuil Hall.

Smoking in the rain - tough habit - glad it's not one of mine.

Even in the rain and cold, Boston is always a great city to wander.

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