A Favorite Post

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wandering Around, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

A walk at low tide this time of the year usually reveals widely spaced dog tracks - a sign of a happy dog running with abandon, no longer constrained by a leash. A dog's life can be pretty nice sometimes - especially if there is a tennis ball involved.

Getting down to the beach can be a challenge in Manomet.  There are no public access points, no parking areas, and no services nor restrooms. It is a residents only kind of place.

There are, however, quite a few private stairways leading to the bottom. We are a purposeful species. Rather than scramble down the bluff (and back up), we design, engineer, and erect stairs. Some are simple - a straight run of 100+ steps with two interim landings to sit and/or rest.

Some are more elaborate like this stairway with angular sections and more landings - about 115 steps.

Stairways force thoughtful decisions about what to take to the beach - it's a long walk up at the end of the day. In my case, I'm only carrying a pocket camera and a cellphone - not very heavy.

This beautiful stairway belongs to a private owner. They have solved the age old problem of how to have your stairs survive the brutal New England winter storms by having a retractable ramp that is stored during the winter above the seawall where the water is unlikely to ever reach. 

A beautiful home in fall.

A nice place for a sunroom on stilts.

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