A Favorite Post

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Walking Around, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

One of the things I especially enjoy when visiting the southeastern United States is the moss-draped southern live oak trees (Quercus virginiana). This tree along the bluff in Manomet reminds me of those southern live oaks - minus the draping moss. It's not quite as dramatic as the ones in the south, but it sure looks good to me - and casts great shadows in this light.

Stopping at this bench is a part of my regular walk. Sometimes I'll sit on the bench and write notes or text for a particular blog post in development. Mostly though, I'll just sit and be for a few minutes. Sitting high on the bluff fits my desire to always seek the higher ground.  Reminds me of that old saying, "sometimes I sit, and sometimes I think, and sometimes, I sit and think." Not very profound, but accurate.

This private bench looks like a pretty nice spot also.

Always, a walk on the beach on a sunny day is a winner.  I don't think I have ever returned from a sunny walk along the surf and wished I hadn't done it.

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