A Favorite Post

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Thanksgiving Parade, Part 2 of 2, America's Hometown, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This is part two of images from this year's Thanksgiving Parade. The pictures pretty much speak for themselves - it is, after all, a parade like parades all over the world. People, floats, animals, music, soldiers, flags, uniforms - people have brought these things to parades for thousands of years.

This horse turned purposefully towards me.......

....and then tapped out/scratched out something with his hoof - perhaps he was saying, "get out of the street and stop being in the way of the parade marchers."

It was Santa waving goodbye that marked the end of the parade. It was a beautiful day for a joyous parade - a brief annual moment to stop and celebrate thanks for everything in life.


  1. I just found this blog a few days ago. I'm really enjoying it.
