A Favorite Post

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cranberries, Manomet, Plymouth, Duxbury, Massachusetts, USA

This is one of those images that you might have to stare at for a few seconds to figure out what it is. It is a juice glass that belonged to my grandmother with a handful of cranberries dropped in. Morning low sunlight is slanting in from the right creating shadows of the etched glass on the left. The cranberries provided a splash of bright color.

Speaking of cranberries, knowing that they come from places like this makes them even prettier and tastier. Wisconsin, Massachusetts, and New Jersey (in that order) are the top-producing cranberry states in the United States.

These two similar images were made a few minutes apart at the Duxbury Bogs Conservation Area in Duxbury, Massachusetts. By the way, cranberries don't grow in water - the bogs are flooded to facilitate harvesting.

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