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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Charles Eliot - A Tribute, Great Blue HIll, Blue Hill Reservation, Milton, Massachusetts, USA

This stone observation tower built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930's graces the top of Great Blue Hill in the 7000+ acre Blue Hill Reservation about 10 miles south of Boston. The reservation provides a green oasis close to the big city and is managed by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). The highest point, Great Blue Hill, is 635 above sea level.  The bench shown in the image above carries a powerful tribute to Landscape Architect Charles Eliot.

The words on the plaque on the stone bridge at the base of the tower pay tribute to Charles Eliot, Landscape Architect to the Metropolitan Park Commission.  It says, "By ample knowledge intelligent perseverance and eloquent teaching he created and inspired organizations capable of accomplishing his great purpose - the preservation of our historical and beautiful places."  

It's hard to imagine a greater legacy than to design and preserve beautiful spaces to be enjoyed by people for generations into the future!

Charles Eliot was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the son of the Harvard University President.  In his short life of 38 years, he had a significant role in developing the Boston Metropolitan Park System as well as methods and techniques for regional planning and conservation that were emulated by private and public entities around the world. He apprenticed with the Frederick Law Olmstead company eventually becoming its leader before his untimely early death from spinal meningitis.

It's fairly peaceful here on a weekday - there are fewer folks available to enjoy the park than on a weekend.

And the leaves are falling in a torrent. This paved service road makes an easier walk to the top as compared to the rocky trails - a consideration for those of us who have reached "a certain age."

This is the view from the stone tower looking northward at the city of Boston.

And the view toward the east. Yes, we do have a lot of trees here in Massachusetts.

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