A Favorite Post

Monday, October 27, 2014

Wachusett Mountain State Reservation, Princeton, Massachusetts, USA

Managed by our Department of Conservation and Recreation, Wachusett Mountain "rises above the surrounding forest to a height of 2006 feet. Mount Wachusett stands as a unique landmark within the central New England landscape. From the summit, a clear day reveals views of Mt. Monadnock in New Hampshire to the north, the Berkshires to the west, and the Boston skyline to the east. The 3,000-acre Wachusett Mountain State Reservation surrounds the summit and offers a wealth of natural and recreational resources." (Source: Mass DCR) The body of water in this view toward the northeast is Wachusett Lake.

The ride up is brief and beautiful along this curving one-way stretch. 

The low rock walls will probably stop an errant car from going over the edge but I like them low so the view is less obstructed.

This is one of those views. There is a parking pull-out shortly before reaching the summit to enjoy this view westward toward the Quabbin Reservoir and farther, the Berskhire Hills. The road and wall and setting remind me of my youth in Virginia visiting the Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway (Panorama - click on image to view in full width). 

At the top there is a wheelchair accessible platform at the base of the radio/fire/transmission tower.

I could see faintly on the distant horizon, the tallest buildings in downtown Boston about 45 miles away. And yes, I did have to wait a few minutes for that cloud to drift into the perfect posed position.

I think these folks were training rescue dogs but, they disappeared down a trail before I had a chance to talk with them.  Wearing orange is always a good idea in the woods - and required at certain times during hunting seasons.

And on the way down whether by car.......

....or on foot.....

...or on bicycle, this is a beautiful area to enjoy the fall on our public property.

This viewpoint is eastward on the way down from the summit. (Panorama - click on image to view in full width).

Wachusett is another spectacular property that belongs to us, the people of the State of Massachusetts.  There are more than 140 separate parks throughout our state.

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