A Favorite Post

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Sunset, Old Sandwich Road, Chiltonville, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

One of the pleasures of photography is that often, it makes me look more closely at what I am actually seeing.  In this scene, I looked more closely at the detail along the road ........

....and chose to make this image. Then, looking even more closely at just a part of this scene.......

..... led me to focus on this tiny portion of the original landscape view.  Then, through the magic of software processing I applied a watercolor effect. For me, a big challenge is seeing the potential end result from the initial view - having creative vision.

I would like to have painted this scene - that is, if I any talent to paint, which I don't - to sit there in the fading light as the shadows grew long, as the air took on a chill, to the sound of a horse snorting in the distant meadow, and the birdsong giving way to a symphony of insects. Yep, I would have enjoyed that, too. 

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