A Favorite Post

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Photography Tour, Provincetown - Part 1 of 3, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA

This year, like last year, I accompanied a fall photographer's tour to Provincetown, Massachusetts, as a tag-along spouse. The event is offered by renowned Cape Cod photographer, Betty Wiley, and the renowned organizer, photographer, and founder of  Plymouth Digital Photographers Club, Amy Davies. I decided to start this blog post with the same image as last year - not because it's a good image but, to illustrate the value of markedly different weather conditions. This year, it was  a bright and sunny day.

Last year, the same view was a more interesting and pleasing image - a good example that cloudy, windy, and rainy conditions can be a photographer's friend. That said, I'd still rather be out and about on a sunny day.......

One of my favorite stops when wandering in P-town is to peek over the fence at this person's front yard/sculpture garden.

What a fascinating work of art!  How the artist came up with these random scrap metal parts, envisioned their use, then welded them all together just boggles my mind.

Looks like it turned into a birdhouse of sorts.

This work of art is also in the garden.

Inspired by those sculptures, I created my own "art" at the abandoned dock at the waterfront. I call it "Hat rack."  

A bright jumble of colors, styles, and ideas on this downtown storefront.

A quirky "resident" sitting on his front stairs.

Getting ready for Halloween in a nearby town.

I liked the similarity between the frog eyes and the flower centers.

A local man enjoys reading a magazine in the fall sunshine.

A full moon rises behind a fishing boat at dock.

The last fading light of another beautiful fall day in New England.

Provincetown is always a pleasure to visit. Located at the very tip of the curving arm of Cape Cod, it feels like it is at the end of the world. It has long been a spirited vacation destination and a welcoming community for the artistically inclined in addition to a popular gathering haven for a diverse community.

When the Pilgrims arrived in the New World in 1620, it was at the location that became today's Provincetown. There, they signed the Mayflower Compact binding them to the common good.

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