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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fall, Hingham, Massachusetts, USA

I passed through the town of Hingham recently and recorded these beautiful fall sights. Hingham was colonized in 1633 and is now an upscale community located about 11 miles (straight line) from Boston. The real estate website Zillow lists the median home value at almost $640,000.  My hometown of Plymouth about 33 miles (straight line) from Boston has a median home value of $293,000.  One pays quite a premium to be close to downtown Boston.

Those are stone dogs, not live ones, watching from the front porch.

There is actually a sidewalk under that carpet of perfectly undisturbed leaves.

Another undisturbed carpet in a a nearby woods.

According to the UMASS Forestry Conservation Program, "Despite many people's impressions of Massachusetts, it is a heavily forested state. In fact, at 62% forest cover, it is the 8th most forested state in the country. At the same time Massachusetts is also the third most densely populated state. There are few places on earth where so many people live among so many trees! The health of our commonwealth is intimately linked to the health of our forests."

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