A Favorite Post

Friday, October 10, 2014

Driveway Guest, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Imagine my surprise - this cobra/python/coral/rattlesnake as big around as my upper leg was lying in my driveway sunning when I came home on this day. He was not pleased at either the close encounter with my automobile tires, nor was he pleased to have this portrait made.  He coiled menacingly until I retreated.  Okay, he wasn't really that big - more like the size of my index finger - and he isn't really poisonous either - he's just a Common Garter Snake - (I can be so dramatic sometimes). UMASS Amherst says that, "their saliva appears to be toxic to amphibians and other small animals and a bite may produce swelling or a burning rash in some people. Although garter snakes may or may not bite if handled, most individuals secrete a foul-smelling fluid from anal glands when alarmed."  Charming behavior - liquid farts - I learn something new everyday.  He skittered off into the bushes - and left no noticeable odor lingering behind.  Whew!

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