A Favorite Post

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Waterfront Festival, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

The 2014 Downtown Plymouth Waterfront Festival featured hundreds of product vendors, food stalls, and children diversions on this beautiful summer day. Thousands of shoppers and lookers crowded the busy stalls and concourse.

Having these portable pop-up awnings for each vendor sure makes setting up and taking down a display booth more convenient than using the old style tarps and ropes. Plymouth Rock is at the far left and Plymouth Harbor in the distance and behind the trees. (Panorama - click image to view in full width). 

The particular attire of the man on the left, a seersucker suit with straw boater, I normally think of for Charleston, South Carolina rather than Plymouth, Massachusetts.

Turns out he was a local politician stumping for votes.

The food concourse was ever popular.  Many Americans do love their high fat, high sugar, high salt, deep-fried treats such as fried dough, fried corn dogs, fried potatoes.......

....they even sold fried twinkies, fried oreos, and fried chocolate bars! I passed on all of it - I already have heart disease.

It didn't fit under a white tent but this airplane made a great advertisement for a flight school and scenic aerial tour provider.

And the kids sure loved climbing in the cockpit and pulling on the yoke and turning and twisting all the knobs and switches.

Posing for a photo with a large gecko was fun for some.  (The gecko is a mascot for a popular insurance company in the United States).

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