A Favorite Post

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Sunflowers, Holmes Farm, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

This wonderful place in Manomet is where we buy fresh veggies in the summertime. They also grow lots of flowers!  It is The Holmes Farm and they sponsor Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and offer memberships. It's right off Manomet Point Road about halfway between Taylor Ave and the Manomet Elementary School.

"The Edible Yard and Holmes Farm operate the farm business on land owned by, and work collaboratively with, Manomet Center For Conservation Sciences. Manomet’s mission is to conserve natural resources for the benefit of wildlife and human populations. Through research and collaboration, Manomet builds science-based, cooperative solutions to environmental problems." (source: Holmes Farm website).

 The farm is leased and managed by Jennifer Friedrich and what a beautiful place it is.

But this blog post is about sunflowers and they had quite a few beautiful ones growing this year.

A classic gray and white New England small barn is in the background. And yes, it is real, I did not Photoshop it into the view.

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