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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Priscilla Beach Theatre Restoration, Priscilla Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Back in May, this is what the Priscilla Beach Theatre looked like before the renovation work began in earnest.

The old ticket office, outside stairs, and main entrance were still in place.

The seats were still inside the theatre.

 By the end of June, it looked like this......much of the shingling and original siding has been removed.

The old ticket window and entrance have been removed from the main structure.

Many thousands of patrons passed under that Playhouse sign over the years.

Former window openings are visible after the siding was removed.

And inside, daylight leaks in through the cracks created by removing the outside shingles and siding.

This artwork/prop is left unscathed and still hanging on the wall.

Work continues otherwise on the entire campus.  The former actresses' dormitory is at right, the black box theatre at left, and the freshly landscaped and seeded yard in the foreground.

A new sign has been installed to commemorate the Black Box Theatre, named in honor of Geronimo Sands, Director Emeritus, and longtime creative force at Priscilla Beach Theatre.

New siding has been added to the ticket office and concession stand, and new decking, railings, and grass for the black box theatre.

The summer tent theatre in foreground with the partially de-shingled barn theatre in the background. Note the young actress under the tent at rehearsal.

A young girl crosses the grass heading back to the ongoing rehearsal under the tent. For more information about Priscilla Beach Theatre, try this link. Lots of great historical data and information about tickets and shows. Priscilla Beach Theatre isn't just for kids - adult casts and shows are held here, too - for example, "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom, is currently in rehearsal and will open July 11, with additional performances on July 12,13, 18, 19, and 20. We are so fortunate to enjoy live theatre in our community!

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