A Favorite Post

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Greenway, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

Boston, like most/many world class cities is by the ocean. A testament to the days of old when commerce and goods only moved by ship.  Nowadays, Boston Harbor is a beehive of activity including tourist sailing cruises. And yes, that is a taxiing aircraft in the background at Logan Airport visible through the haze/fog/mist.

The water theme carries onto the nearby parkland.

In the old days before the "Big Dig" (Central Artery/Tunnel Project) was completed in 2004, a six-lane highway of angry, frustrated automobile drivers inched their way through downtown Boston. Today, where that road once stood, a series of parks make up the Rose Kennedy Greenway including the one above with water features in which the kids can cavort.

I use "cavort" loosely. In my mind, walking slowly through the towering columns of water also counts.

"Cavort" can also include a brief rest - sometimes you just need to lie down and feel the warm sun on your back and the cool water flow around you - both kids and dogs seem to know that instinctively.

Adults, on the other hand, must content themselves with these cloud/mist/fog sculptures elsewhere in the park. If that is a little too sedate an activity, you can try........

.....Codzilla! - a tourist speedboat ride through the ocean at up to 40 miles per hour. Roaring wind and loud music and the occasional wave splash add to the thrill. (Note: I have never ridden it nor am I affiliated with the company). I also observed that no one has their head down in their smartphone - that's shocking in this day and age.

Continuing my water references, these bright shiny standpipes are at the ready.

Green space exists now where once the belch of auto exhaust and noise were the main inhabitants.

 And at this time of year, flowers bloom brightly.

The Rose Kennedy Greenway snakes through downtown Boston and even includes free Wi-Fi! Yep, Boston is truly a world-class city.

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