A Favorite Post

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Critter Updates, Bartlett Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I don't normally see a circle of gosling butts facing outward with everyone eating at the same time - it makes them a little too vulnerable. But, not to worry.....

......because mom is close by keeping watch. Goose parents are very attentive and watchful.

This little one, I think new this year, somehow is not as skittish of humans as most rabbits are, nor, as he probably should be for survival sake.

He ran toward me rather than charging away as a "normal"rabbit would. 

The lone cygnet is still hanging on to life but, he doesn't seem to be growing much. (Note: since this photo was taken, he also has disappeared. Sadly, that means this year's swan family had no offspring that survived). It's a harsh world for these outdoor critters.

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