A Favorite Post

Friday, June 27, 2014

Wandering Around, White Horse Beach, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

I often count my blessings by how fortunate I am to live near such a beautiful place on the planet. (But no, I don't live in any of these pictured houses - I am a ten minute walk inland). Manomet Point is visible on the far horizon.

And yes, that is a new hat for the queen of hats.

Parents of small children should recognize the beach perfection in the scene above. As the tide receded, a shallow lake was formed - a perfect playground for the very young toddlers without waves, cold water, or other unseen dangers.

Wandering a block inland from the beach is the general store and post office building. I've always thought that opening a post office box here would be a good idea, then my mailing address would be 'White Horse Beach' - has a nice ring to it.

And inland another block is St. Catherine's Chapel Park.

It is looking quite nice in full spring/early summer growth. 

Continuing on, I have always enjoyed seeing the woodwork over this home's doorway.

And walking down another quiet country lane.

Sometimes just sitting in a canoe or kayak and drifting with the wind is better than paddling.

Yep, summer in New England is a great place to wander around.

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