A Favorite Post

Monday, June 2, 2014

Walk Around a Pond, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

In much of Massachusetts, trees, ponds, and paths are common. I am fond of this tunnel-like path around a small pond in Manomet.

Regardless of human habitation, the area still has vibrant  wildlife including deer, turkeys, foxes, skunks, possums, and many species of birds. While Manomet 's 20th century life was mostly as a summer community, today there are many full-time residents among the seasonal homes.


A great location for a year-around house.

The pond turtles wait months for the opportunity to lie in the sun.  I imagine it gets quite toasty inside that dark shell.

Pond life is dynamic - multiple species eating and being eaten, flying, running, swimming, walking, climbing - all in the dance of life.  We, on the other hand, live in our little protective boxes.

And there are occasional not-so-wild animals roaming about.

Sometimes I just sit and listen to the sounds - the birds mostly - the life around me that is nature.  The wind sometimes brings ocean sounds - waves, rocks rolling in the surf line, a foghorn bleating. I wonder why does the crow caw three or four times mostly (not once, not twice but mostly three or four times)?  Are they communicating specific messages in a language known only to them or just communicating their position to each other?  One minute raucous, the next gone.

And speaking of raucous. Normally, critters don't like to draw attention to themselves - survival instinct.  But in spring, all bets are off.  This croaker was deafening and I was able to pick him out easily.

A fellow gardener's successful crop.

Yep, New England in spring is pretty spectacular.

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