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Monday, May 12, 2014

Tuscan Countryside Drive, Fauglia, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy

No trip to Tuscany is complete without a drive in the countryside. On my last full day in Italy it rained on and off. The day's main activity was this drive in the countryside to the south and east of Fauglia along local roads SP21 and SP13.  It proved to be quite beautiful. The spring rains have turned the land a brilliant green.

It was difficult to drive around a curve and not see another spectacular view. The road was narrow and pull-off spots were few but one must do what one must do......

Olive groves and vineyards dotted the landscapes......

..... throughout the gently rolling fields. I'd like to see this area on a sunny day - and in the fall, too, when the fields are golden, and also in early morning when mist lies in the valleys, and also at sunset, and maybe at sunrise..........

Young olive trees in the foreground. Rows are about 5 meters apart to anticipate the size of the mature trees.

A vineyard and olive grove lead up to the farm house.

A small village is hidden in the woods down this lane.

It's a good thing the day was cloudy and rainy, under a sunny sky, the green may have been too bright to behold.

Here's another benefit of being a point-and-shooter - I can hold an umbrella and a camera at the same time when making pictures in the rain. (Image courtesy of Amy).

Yes, I really do wonder what this place would look like in the golden light of fall.

A view from the small town of Lorenzana.

You astute readers may note that I missed the perfect iconic view of the rows of parallel Italian cypress trees leading to an isolated hillock with a small house on top but, I don't feel cheated at all.  When I consider how little of Tuscany I have seen in these three short weeks, I am eager in anticipation of what other beauties and wonders await me on a future visit(s). Next year? Or, maybe in the fall when everything is a golden color? Hmmmmm? 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these lovely pics! I already added Italy on my bucket list. This is absolutely one of the places to relax and enjoy amazing views. I just hope that by the time I retire, I will have the means to push through with my plans.
