A Favorite Post

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sun Worshipper, Manomet, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Milo the cat is a model of behavior to copy. When it is sunny he always takes full advantage of it. 

He requires no hat, no long sleeves, no sunblock, and has no worries about skin cancer - there are advantages to wearing a fur coat all the time - it's like wearing a  full time blankie. Personally, I'd find lying on the floor to be too hard and uncomfortable, though - I am more of a chaise lounge with a thick cushion type of guy. Perhaps it is a fundamental pleasure of the human condition, and most other critters also, to lay about periodically in the sun and recharge. Milo's batteries should be overflowing...........me, I think I'd better get my blankie and head for the chaise..........

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